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_FRAGMENT_QUOTER class-attribute instance-attribute

_FRAGMENT_QUOTER = _Quoter(safe='?/:@', requote=False)

_FRAGMENT_REQUOTER class-attribute instance-attribute

_FRAGMENT_REQUOTER = _Quoter(safe='?/:@')

_PATH_QUOTER class-attribute instance-attribute

_PATH_QUOTER = _Quoter(
    safe="@:", protected="/+", requote=False

_PATH_REQUOTER class-attribute instance-attribute

_PATH_REQUOTER = _Quoter(safe='@:', protected='/+')

_PATH_UNQUOTER class-attribute instance-attribute

_PATH_UNQUOTER = _Unquoter(ignore='/', unsafe='+')

_QS_UNQUOTER class-attribute instance-attribute

_QS_UNQUOTER = _Unquoter(qs=True)

_QUERY_PART_QUOTER class-attribute instance-attribute

    safe="?/:@", qs=True, requote=False

_QUERY_QUOTER class-attribute instance-attribute

_QUERY_QUOTER = _Quoter(
    safe="?/:@", protected="=+&;", qs=True, requote=False

_QUERY_REQUOTER class-attribute instance-attribute

    safe="?/:@", protected="=+&;", qs=True

_QUOTER class-attribute instance-attribute

_QUOTER = _Quoter(requote=False)

_REQUOTER class-attribute instance-attribute

_REQUOTER = _Quoter()

_UNQUOTER class-attribute instance-attribute

_UNQUOTER = _Unquoter()

__slots__ class-attribute instance-attribute

__slots__ = ('_cache', '_val')

_val instance-attribute

_val: SplitResult


__bool__() -> bool


__bytes__() -> bytes


__eq__(other: object) -> bool


__ge__(other: object) -> bool


__getstate__() -> Tuple[SplitResult]


__gt__(other: object) -> bool


__hash__() -> int




__le__(other: object) -> bool


__lt__(other: object) -> bool


__mod__(query: Query) -> URL


    val: Union[str, SplitResult, URL] = "",
    encoded: bool = False,
    strict: Union[bool, None] = None
) -> Self


__repr__() -> str




__str__() -> str


__truediv__(name: str) -> URL


_cache_netloc() -> None

Cache the netloc parts of the URL.


_default_port() -> Union[int, None]

Default port for the scheme or None if not known.

_encode_host classmethod

_encode_host(host: str, human: bool = False) -> str


    *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
) -> Union[str, None]


    items: Iterable[Tuple[Union[str, istr], str]]
) -> str

Return a query string from an iterable.


    paths: Sequence[str], encoded: bool = False
) -> URL

add paths to self._val.path, accounting for absolute vs relative paths, keep existing, but do not create new, empty segments

_make_netloc classmethod

    user: Union[str, None],
    password: Union[str, None],
    host: Union[str, None],
    port: Union[int, None],
    encode: bool = False,
    encode_host: bool = True,
    requote: bool = False,
) -> str

_normalize_path classmethod

_normalize_path(path: str) -> str


_parsed_query() -> List[Tuple[str, str]]

Parse query part of URL.


_port_not_default() -> Union[int, None]

The port part of URL normalized to None if its the default port.

_query_seq_pairs classmethod

    quoter: Callable[[str], str],
    pairs: Iterable[Tuple[str, QueryVariable]],
) -> Iterator[str]

_query_var staticmethod

_query_var(v: QueryVariable) -> str

_split_netloc cached classmethod

    netloc: str,
) -> Tuple[
    Union[str, None],
    Union[str, None],
    Union[str, None],
    Union[int, None],

Split netloc into username, password, host and port.

_validate_authority_uri_abs_path staticmethod

    host: str, path: str
) -> None

Ensure that path in URL with authority starts with a leading slash.

Raise ValueError if not.


absolute() -> bool

A check for absolute URLs.

Return True for absolute ones (having scheme or starting with //), False otherwise.


authority() -> str

Decoded authority part of URL.

Empty string for relative URLs.

build classmethod

    scheme: str = "",
    authority: str = "",
    user: Union[str, None] = None,
    password: Union[str, None] = None,
    host: str = "",
    port: Union[int, None] = None,
    path: str = "",
    query: Union[Query, None] = None,
    query_string: str = "",
    fragment: str = "",
    encoded: bool = False
) -> URL

Creates and returns a new URL


explicit_port() -> Union[int, None]

Port part of URL, without scheme-based fallback.

None for relative URLs or URLs without explicit port.


extend_query(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> URL

Return a new URL with query part combined with the existing.

This method will not remove existing query parameters.


url = URL('') url.extend_query(a=3, c=4) URL('')


fragment() -> str

Decoded fragment part of URL.

Empty string if fragment is missing.


host() -> Union[str, None]

Decoded host part of URL.

None for relative URLs.


human_repr() -> str

Return decoded human readable string for URL representation.


is_absolute() -> bool

A check for absolute URLs.

Return True for absolute ones (having scheme or starting with //), False otherwise.

Is is preferred to call the .absolute property instead as it is cached.


is_default_port() -> bool

A check for default port.

Return True if port is default for specified scheme, e.g. '' or '', False otherwise.

Return False for relative URLs.


join(url: URL) -> URL

Join URLs

Construct a full (“absolute”) URL by combining a “base URL” (self) with another URL (url).

Informally, this uses components of the base URL, in particular the addressing scheme, the network location and (part of) the path, to provide missing components in the relative URL.


joinpath(*other: str, encoded: bool = False) -> URL

Return a new URL with the elements in other appended to the path.


name() -> str

The last part of parts.


origin() -> URL

Return an URL with scheme, host and port parts only.

user, password, path, query and fragment are removed.


parent() -> URL

A new URL with last part of path removed and cleaned up query and fragment.


parts() -> Tuple[str, ...]

A tuple containing decoded path parts.

('/',) for absolute URLs if path is missing.


password() -> Union[str, None]

Decoded password part of URL.

None if password is missing.


path() -> str

Decoded path of URL.

/ for absolute URLs without path part.


path_qs() -> str

Decoded path of URL with query.


port() -> Union[int, None]

Port part of URL, with scheme-based fallback.

None for relative URLs or URLs without explicit port and scheme without default port substitution.


query() -> MultiDictProxy[str]

A MultiDictProxy representing parsed query parameters in decoded representation.

Empty value if URL has no query part.


query_string() -> str

Decoded query part of URL.

Empty string if query is missing.


raw_authority() -> str

Encoded authority part of URL.

Empty string for relative URLs.


raw_fragment() -> str

Encoded fragment part of URL.

Empty string if fragment is missing.


raw_host() -> Union[str, None]

Encoded host part of URL.

None for relative URLs.


raw_name() -> str

The last part of raw_parts.


raw_parts() -> Tuple[str, ...]

A tuple containing encoded path parts.

('/',) for absolute URLs if path is missing.


raw_password() -> Union[str, None]

Encoded password part of URL.

None if password is missing.


raw_path() -> str

Encoded path of URL.

/ for absolute URLs without path part.


raw_path_qs() -> str

Encoded path of URL with query.


raw_query_string() -> str

Encoded query part of URL.

Empty string if query is missing.


raw_suffix() -> str


raw_suffixes() -> Tuple[str, ...]


raw_user() -> Union[str, None]

Encoded user part of URL.

None if user is missing.


relative() -> URL

Return a relative part of the URL.

scheme, user, password, host and port are removed.


scheme() -> str

Scheme for absolute URLs.

Empty string for relative URLs or URLs starting with //


suffix() -> str


suffixes() -> Tuple[str, ...]


update_query(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> URL

Return a new URL with query part updated.

This method will overwrite existing query parameters.


url = URL('') url.update_query(a=3, c=4) URL('')


user() -> Union[str, None]

Decoded user part of URL.

None if user is missing.


with_fragment(fragment: Union[str, None]) -> URL

Return a new URL with fragment replaced.

Autoencode fragment if needed.

Clear fragment to default if None is passed.


with_host(host: str) -> URL

Return a new URL with host replaced.

Autoencode host if needed.

Changing host for relative URLs is not allowed, use .join() instead.


with_name(name: str) -> URL

Return a new URL with name (last part of path) replaced.

Query and fragment parts are cleaned up.

Name is encoded if needed.


with_password(password: Union[str, None]) -> URL

Return a new URL with password replaced.

Autoencode password if needed.

Clear password if argument is None.


with_path(path: str, *, encoded: bool = False) -> URL

Return a new URL with path replaced.


with_port(port: Union[int, None]) -> URL

Return a new URL with port replaced.

Clear port to default if None is passed.


with_query(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> URL

Return a new URL with query part replaced.

Accepts any Mapping (e.g. dict, multidict.MultiDict instances) or str, autoencode the argument if needed.

A sequence of (key, value) pairs is supported as well.

It also can take an arbitrary number of keyword arguments.

Clear query if None is passed.


with_scheme(scheme: str) -> URL

Return a new URL with scheme replaced.


with_suffix(suffix: str) -> URL

Return a new URL with suffix (file extension of name) replaced.

Query and fragment parts are cleaned up.

suffix is encoded if needed.


with_user(user: Union[str, None]) -> URL

Return a new URL with user replaced.

Autoencode user if needed.

Clear user/password if user is None.


without_query_params(*query_params: str) -> URL

Remove some keys from query part and return new URL.