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Bases: BaseOptions, ExtractAllScriptsOptions, ExpandContextOptions

Options to compact a YAML-LD document.

base class-attribute instance-attribute

base: URI | None = None

The base IRI to use.

compact_arrays class-attribute instance-attribute

compact_arrays: bool = True

Compact arrays to single values when appropriate?

document_loader instance-attribute

document_loader: Any

The document loader.

expand_context class-attribute instance-attribute

expand_context: JsonLdRecord | URI | None = None

A context to expand with.

extract_all_scripts class-attribute instance-attribute

extract_all_scripts: bool = False

True to extract all YAML-LD script elements from HTML, False to extract just the first.

graph class-attribute instance-attribute

graph: bool = False

True to always output a top-level graph.

skip_expansion class-attribute instance-attribute

skip_expansion: bool = False

True to skip the expansion process, False to include it.