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YAML-LD implementation for Python

A Python implementation for handling YAML-LD documents.

What is YAML-LD?

YAML-LD is a YAML-based serialization for Linked Data, drawing inspiration from JSON-LD. It aims to bring the ease of YAML along with the structured linked data principles of JSON-LD. The YAML-LD specification provides detailed information on the structure and usage of YAML-LD.

graph LR
    click Document "/types/document/" "YAML-LD Document"
    class Document type

    subgraph RDF
        DocumentRDF("Document") --> to_rdf{{"to_rdf()"}} --> Dataset("Dataset")
        Dataset --> from_rdf{{"from_rdf()"}} --> DocumentRDF
        click DocumentRDF "/types/document/" "YAML-LD Document"
        class DocumentRDF type

        class to_rdf,from_rdf function
        click to_rdf "/to-rdf/" "Convert a YAML-LD Document into an RDF dataset"
        click from_rdf "/from-rdf/" "Convert a RDF dataset into a YAML-LD Document"

    subgraph Expansion
        class Dataset type
        click Dataset "/types/dataset/" "RDF Dataset"

        CompactedDocument --> expand{{"expand()"}} --> ExpandedDocument
        ExpandedDocument --> compact{{"compact()"}} --> CompactedDocument

        class ExpandedDocument,CompactedDocument type
        click ExpandedDocument "/types/document/" "YAML-LD Document"
        click CompactedDocument "/types/document/" "YAML-LD Document"
        class expand,compact function

        click expand "/expand/" "Expand a YAML-LD Document"
        click compact "/compact/" "Compact a YAML-LD Document"

    subgraph Parsing
        SerializedDocument("SerializedDocument") --> parse{{"parse()"}} --> ParsedDocument("Document")

        class SerializedDocument,ParsedDocument type
        class parse function

        click SerializedDocument "/types/serialized-document/" "Serialized YAML-LD document, or its location"
        click ParsedDocument "/types/document/" "Parsed YAML-LD document"
        click parse "/parse/" "Parse a YAML-LD Document"

    subgraph Framing
        NotFramedDocument("Document\n<em><small>(not framed)</small></em>") --> frame{{"frame()"}} --> FramedDocument("Document\n<em><small>(framed)</small></em>")
        class FramedDocument type
        class NotFramedDocument type
        class frame function
        click frame "/frame/" "Frame a YAML-LD Document"

    ExpandedDocument --"≡"--- Document
    CompactedDocument --"≡"--- Document
    ParsedDocument --"≡"--- Document
    DocumentRDF --"≡"--- Document
    NotFramedDocument --"≡"--- Document
    FramedDocument --"≡"--- Document

    classDef type     fill:#ffa724, stroke:#e68a00, stroke-width:2px, color:#fff;
    classDef function fill:#000000de, stroke:#000000de, stroke-width:2px, color:#fff, font-style:italic;