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Bases: BaseOptions, ExtractAllScriptsOptions, ExpandContextOptions

Options for YAML-LD framing.

base class-attribute instance-attribute

base: URI | None = None

The base IRI to use.

document_loader instance-attribute

document_loader: Any

The document loader.

embed class-attribute instance-attribute

embed: bool = True

Sets the value object embed flag used in the Framing Algorithm. A boolean value of true sets the flag to @once, while a value of false sets the flag to @never.

expand_context class-attribute instance-attribute

expand_context: JsonLdRecord | URI | None = None

A context to expand with.

explicit class-attribute instance-attribute

explicit: bool = False

Default @explicit flag.

extract_all_scripts class-attribute instance-attribute

extract_all_scripts: bool = False

True to extract all YAML-LD script elements from HTML, False to extract just the first.

frame_default class-attribute instance-attribute

frame_default: bool = False

Instead of framing a merged graph, frame only the default graph.

omit_default class-attribute instance-attribute

omit_default: bool = False

Default @omit_default flag.

prune_blank_node_identifiers class-attribute instance-attribute

prune_blank_node_identifiers: bool = True

Remove unnecessary blank node identifiers.

require_all class-attribute instance-attribute

require_all: bool = False

Default @require_all flag.